Thursday, December 07, 2006

An Open Note to all Skeevy Guys at the Gym...

Maybe I'm looking better than usual these days, or maybe someone is adding testosterone to the water supply, but I've been hit on at the gym three times in the past couple of weeks. Now, when someone is running along on the treadmill, with headphones in of course, is that really the best time to strike up a conversation?

"Ah, I see you went to Unnamed University. My cousin's girlfriend's brother went there. Did you like it?"

"I've noticed you around here a lot. Do you want to get some coffee sometime?"

Um, I may be breathing heavily, but I'm not in the mood for that.

Now, this is not to say that I don't check people out at the gym. We all do. But we are not supposed to act on it. At least not in more than that smile-look away-smile-look away kind of way.

So, to all men out there, we know it takes guts to approach a girl and we appreciate it. But the gym is ME time, as in, off limits.

Wellllll, unless you are so hot that I forget I'm already sweating. But that hasn't happened so far.


Douglas said...

I avoid gyms for the same reason. The chicks just won't leave me alone. Oh, wait, no i avoid gyms because they are filled with tools like the guys that hit on you and girls in matching workout gear.

I run outside. In unmatching clothes.

Harmless Error said...

Heh. I HATE matching workout gear. And treadmills most of the time, but running outside in Boston in December can be a bad choice too.