Thursday, May 10, 2007

Still? Really?

When I was younger, and The Wonder Years was big, perfect strangers (remember that show?! Balkie!!) always used to tell me I looked like Winnie Cooper. Hair dressers, checkout people, etc. At least once a week between the ages of 8 and 14 I got a Winnie Cooper reference.

Eventually the name-calling stopped (half the people who signed my 8th grade year book wrote "Dear Winnie") and I thought I was in the clear. I never knew what to say about the comments because I always thought she was just a normal looking girl, and while most early adolescent girls want to be considered "normal", I was sure I was far more special than boring little Winnie Cooper.

And so today, more than a decade since the last Winnie Cooper reference (unless you count the period when my sister's friend dated Fred Savage at Stanford for about 5 minutes), I got hit with it. By a court reporter. Who was giving me odd looks throughout the three hour deposition we were in today. At its conclusion, when everyone was packing up to leave, Mr. Court Reporter snapped his fingers exclaiming, "I got it! Winnie Cooper! That's who you remind me of!"

I guess we can't escape our destiny.

1 comment:

Butterflyfish said...

Well she grew up pretty hot and very smart -- some sort of math genius person... so not all bad