Friday, November 17, 2006


I got my MBE score in the mail today, and man, I don't know how PMBR did those calculations and told us to "add 36 points" to our PMBR 3 day exam, but they were right on the money.

Also, why does the New York State Board of Law Examiners insist on living in 1975? What's with the smudgy paper and typewriter ink? Jeez. My C&F application is now all ready, collected, signed, notarized, etc. Now all I need to do is make a photocopy for my records, and FedEx the sucker to Albany.

I also spent three hours today going through and re-organizing all of my loan crap, and had to call Access Group multiple times in order to understand everything. For a company that makes millions of dollars off our interest payments you would think they would be very organized and detail oriented and easy to understand. But no. I can't imagine if I were 80 years old and trying to deal with Medicaid paperwork and couldn't use the internet. Sheesh. Anyway, it was the most productive I've been in weeks.

I've got a potential meeting with the First Assistant Attorney General about some DA opportunities in MA. Then, maybe I can use that as leverage in NY. (I love how I build up possibilities to a distinct level of concreteness...)

Anyway, I'm gonna be a nice daughter and clean the place up before the 'rents get home. What a good time to blast some Bon Jovi.

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