Saturday, January 06, 2007


Not from alcohol, although I did have a few drinks last night. Just tired.

But first things first. I went for a run today and IT IS 70 DEGREES OUTSIDE. It's January. The fucking birds are so confused I think I saw one crash into my window.

I went out with friends from college last night not as a weekend visitor but as a real New Yorker. It was great. I met a couple new people including a guy who was apparently so taken with me that I woke up to find an email from him. I don't even really know how he got my email address.

I'm so insecure when it comes to guys. I'm getting better about it, but I always can't believe that guys are interested in little old me. As a financial guy, he seemed so impressed with the whole trial lawyer thing I guess because he usually deals with boring corporate lawyers. Anyway, I can't decide what to say when I email him back. As my friend K just said, I really need to learn the phrase "you have nothing to lose."

I really need to unpack and do a couple of errands. But somehow I can't get off the couch. And after a week of no cable I'm taking full advantage of it now.

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