Friday, March 09, 2007

Babel, babble, blah, blah, blah

Can someone please tell me why Babel is profound? Forget the awards - why is it watchable? I feel the same way I felt about Crash - it's a heavy handed "message" movie. We're all different, but we're all the same. We need to try to understand each other better.

Maybe I hate these movies because I grew up in an ultra-liberal household full of discussion about race, class, nationality, languages, etc. But even aside from the "message" of the movie, I cannot believe was nominated for and won any Oscars. Pace = molasses. Acting = overacting. Plot = well, none really. At least nothing cohesive or not worthy of eye-rolling. I don't care about any characters other than the kids who get lost in the desert and the boy who gets shot, and only because they're kids. Sorry for any spoiling, but since it'll be your own fault if you see it now, I guess I'm not really sorry at all.

God this movie sucks.

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