Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm fine.

Because I've figured it out. The irritableness. Tearyness. Tiredness. Spacyness. It's not work, or money, or time, or the people in my life. I'll still complain about them. But it's not them.

So what is it? I didn't think I was the kind of girl to say it outright, but I need sex. It's that feeling... of wanting to touch... and be touched. Exercise endorphins and wine aren't cutting it. When rubbing lotion into your own muscles is the most sensual thing you've done in months, you've got a problem.

And, as much as I love them, going to a gay bar for a friend's birthday on Saturday night isn't going to help me in this department. Although I can probably say going to a straight bar wouldn't either.

So here's my new plan. Indiscriminate flirting. With every man who makes my stomach do the tiniest of flips. We'll see what happens.


Anastasia said...

I always liked the line in Sex and the City where Carrie was like, "I need to feel the weight of a man on me."

Kinda sums it up, no? Good luck. I'm about to hunker down for finals so any indiscriminate flirting on my part could end up being a disaster for the GPA.

LawNut said...

Hmmm how about an online dating service like

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the following pick-up line:

"I'm a young, attractive attorney. Wanna fuck?"

You should. It will work.

Harmless Error said...

That Carrie line sums it up perfectly. I'm toying with online dating, and I know millions of people do it, but I don't know anyone personally who it has worked for, and therefore I'm still skeptical. And Anon, that won't work.

Anonymous said...

Harmless - try it, just once, and get back to me. Trust me on this, for I am wise in the ways of many things. You can make it sound more professional, e.g. "I'm a lawyer - I can get you off."