Sunday, April 15, 2007

Monsoon Season, Drooling, and Don Imus

Fine, it's a "nor'easter." Whatever. That's a dumb word. The pup and I went out about 8:30 this morning, and she's still kinda wet. And we were outside for maybe 7 minutes. Rainy Sundays are awesome, but this is ANGRY weather.

Why was I up at 8:30 when I went to bed at 4? My friend who stayed over had to leave early to get back to the Jers and she forgot her wallet so I had to let her back in. I'll just go to bed really early tonight to set me up for the week.

Oh boy. I have a headache. Maybe I'm a little hungover, although I only had a couple glasses of wine and a frozen cosmo (with a strawberry cut like a flower in it - it was awesome). I hate being hungover. I just took 3 Excedrin Migraine. I'm hardcore when it comes to pain meds. I brought some "do it when you have time but it's not a huge priority until the X depositions" research home with me that I thought I would do today to, emailing cases to my boss on a Sunday being a good thing, but I just don't think it's gonna happen. I think couch surfing, napping, and day dreaming about the beautiful beautiful beautiful men I ogled last night will be enough for today. Seriously, the girls and I were drooling. And dancing all night to Madonna in the completely awesome and non-threatening environment surrounded by, I'll say it again, beautiful men.

I want some eggs. Yeah. I'm hungover. I kind of hate eggs.

On an unrelated but in your face issue of the week, once again, Frank Rich hits it spot on.

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