Sunday, May 13, 2007

May Day.

Remember how I said today wouldn't be fun? It's not fun.

But yesterday was. I got a tan, an awesome little sun dress, and a six hour buzz.

And now I'm lying disheveled on my couch surrounded by papers with the blue and white glow of Westlaw guiding me through the day and probably night.

P.S. Call your mom.


Grace said...

Glad you had fun yesterday! So, I'm not studying for Wills & Trusts like I should, but instead I'm watching a Law & Order marathon. And here's what I've decided: Angie Harmon is the tan, grown up version of Winnie Cooper.

I'm almost 100% certain on this point, unless you just got me on some weird Winnie Cooper kick.

Harmless Error said...

Heh! I love Angie Harmon, so I can get on board with that.

Wills & Trusts suck. I think I just never gave a shit how rich dead people spent their money.