Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pick one subject. And say "fuck you."

All of these bar review postings have brought last summer's anxiety, which I had hoped was dead and buried, to the surface. So, to make those of you who are suffering through it feel a little better (superior, even), here's my low point:

I'm in the kitchen of my apartment in Boston, where many a day and night was spent fretting over the bar exam. I'm making Annie's mac and cheese. Because I barely cooked during those few months. It's a Saturday night, somewhere around July 15th. Crunch time. I'm staring into the boiling water, letting the steam rise up into my pores like some makeshift facial treatment to erase the dark circles and worry lines. My two roommates are in the living room doing practice questions. They get into a discussion about the rule against perpetuities. I didn't understand it first year. I didn't understand it during Barbri. I didn't understand it when anyone explained it to me. I just. didn't. get it. But the worst part was that I was taking NY and MA. And NY, bastard state that it is, not only reserves the right to test people on the RAP, but also the rule against suspension, some bastard cousin of the RAP. I literally have no idea what it even refers to anymore. Anyway, the roomies are chatting about the RAP, and about how they hope they get an essay question on it because they both actually understand it.

And that was it. The swirling boiling water started to get fuzzy, and the tears came. I couldn't stop them. What the hell was I doing? How was I ever going to pass two bar exams when I didn't understand one of the most important concepts in property law? Who was I kidding?

My roommates tried and failed to calm me down. I poured the boiling water down the drain, rifled through the medicine cabinet, and took one very large sleeping pill from a stock I had left over from a very long flight. I figured they would come in handy from time to time.

The ensuing 12 hour blackness helped. My advice? Get your sleep.

And of course, not once, on either state exam or the MBE, from what I remember, did RAP or its bastard cousin make an appearance.

In other news, I'm slightly in love with Jeremy Piven in Entourage. Who ever said being "laid back" was a highly attractive quality? (Actually, I suppose the above diatribe pretty much establishes my lack of laid back-ness.)


Zuska said...

Okay, yeah. Don't you SEE? That means it WILL show up on my bar exam.

Fucking RAP. I don't even think I heard of it first year. No. I know I didn't. I was learning about public policy and about the concept of whether or not property should be a fundamental right. As in, everyone get a plot of land upon birth.

RAP didn't come up.

But I will, right now, go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

I second everything Harmless Error said, except for the Entourage stuff because I've never seen that show.

Anonymous said...

But you left off the best part of the story - how I was always there to tell you that your roomies were batshit insane and to be cool because you're brilliant and I knew you'd pass (and I'm never wrong). :)