Monday, June 25, 2007

Will my law license transfer to Canada?

Because, seriously, I'm done with this country. I know I sound elitist and snooty, but really, it's only because 41% OF THE POPULATION STILL BELIEVES THAT SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN 9/11.

Breathe. In. Out.

Today, Christie Todd Whitman, former governor of that great state west of the Hudson, testified at a congressional hearing (read: lied) about the federal government's claims shortly after 9/11 that the air was safe to breathe.

Let's not forget that a current presidential wannabe who is basing his entire campaign on one day also lied. Because they wanted to reopen the stock market as soon as possible. Because in response to the worst terrorist attack in the nation's history, George Bush's response was not "do some volunteer work" or "spend more time with your family." It was "go shopping."

Those of us who were there that day, who saw firsthand the absolute insanity up close, and who continued to breathe that air for weeks and months, are sick of the spin, the lies, the half-truths, and the shameful silence.

(This may read pretty incoherently. I don't really have a point. I'm just mad.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This particular federal government is even more incompetent than the federal government usually is.