Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Random Thoughts.

So Chloe has a hormone imbalance. Loss of estrogen or some such thing which is common in older female dogs. I almost lost it when the vet called her old. So from now on she'll take a pill twice a day and hopefully everything will be fine.

I spent three hours in court this morning for ABSOLUTELY no reason. My adversary didn't show up, and when I finally called his office before the final calendar call, a secretary spoke to me like I was an idiot saying why was I in court when they faxed us a signed stipulation yesterday withdrawing their motion? And then I didn't quite yell at her, but very strongly told her that SHE MUST BE A FUCKING IDIOT BECAUSE WE NEVER RECEIVED A FAXED STIPULATION YESTERDAY. And then she went to check, and sure enough, it had never been faxed. Jackasses.

This article makes steam come out of my ears. It's nothing I didn't know regarding the absurdity of large firms, but the arrogance and smugness makes me want to shoot myself.

Thankfully today's explosion in midtown wasn't terrorism. But the fact that we have steam pipes down there from 1928 pretty much means that that they will likely keep exploding. Makes traveling underground in the subway built in 1904 really appealing.


Grace said...

Dear Harmless Error,

You are my blogger-I-Don't-Know-BFF. Please quit your job and move to Chicago immediately.

Harmless Error said...

Dear Grace,

Heh, I love you too. If moving to Chicago didn't require taking another fucking bar exam I would totally do it.