Monday, August 06, 2007

Getting Out of Town

does a body (and mind) good.

I went to visit the 'rents for a few days to be taken care of, and it was glorious. And then I got back to the muggy smelly city to get through the next two weeks until I can spend a week lying on the beach. Ahhh.

The only thing that sucked about the weekend was Amtrak. I feel like it used to be somewhat highbrow, and now it's as shitty as the rest of the country's modes of transportation. Unexpected and unexplained delays, overcrowding, bad customer service, etc. And I fell asleep with my right leg bent in some awful position and now my knee really fucking hurts. (I guess that's not Amtrak's fault, but I'll blame them anyway.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...