Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dear law school,

I've dealt with your annoying letters asking me for donations for the past couple of years. I simply throw them away. But tonight you crossed the line. When you call me on my cell phone at 8:45 pm and ask me for money when I'm standing in line at Whole Foods, and at first I politely decline to which you proceed to badger me about how "even five dollars can help", I will in fact lose my shit and become extremely irate about the fact that I will be paying back my overpriced tuition for basically the rest of my life and therefore you can go shove your donations up your smarmy asses.

So, in conclusion, while I'm happy to participate in surveys, alumni functions, etc., please do not call me again asking for money.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a letter a week or so ago telling me that someone from the school was going to be calling me soon... asking for cash money, no doubt. Thanks for the heads-up; I shall not be taking that call.