Tuesday, October 28, 2008

That didn't take long.

If ever there was a day for a rant...

First of all, it's 39 degrees outside right now. It was snowing before, but now it's raining, but it's going to snow again later. Yippee! Snow in October! Oh wait. What the fuck? I like winter. I love snow. I did NOT like it when I slipped and FELL this morning walking from the subway to the courthouse and RIPPED MY SUIT PANTS on the knee. This is so not fixable.* And totally embarrassing. The woman who helped me up was very sweet, but I was near tears. And then I had to explain to the judge why I looked like a homeless drowned rat. And then the judge got snarky with me because I didn't know the 1,475,982 intricacies of the case I was appearing on because, well, it's not my case and I found out at 9:30 last night that someone else couldn't do it because "WAHHH my kid is sick and I'm staying home tomorrow and you deal with it". The judge didn't really like that explanation. But then the ADA looked like a jackass for another reason so we pretty much broke even.

Later, back at the office with my cold wet clothes and freezing feet (I was THIS close to buying drugstore sweatpants and fuzzy socks and wearing them for the rest of the day), I had at least 5 back and forth phone calls with opposing counsel on a case we are trying to settle, and for some reason he thought it would help his case to point out that he's been practicing law for longer than I've been alive and he's never had this much trouble settling a case like this. Well, I'm sorry sir, but I don't give a crap how long you've been practicing. Call me back when you and your client get a clue.

I am now home and just finished a half-assed review of a file for a deposition tomorrow, I'm on my second glass of wine (yes I was drinking while doing work - so SUE ME!), and I kind of wish Michael Myers would pay me a visit tonight so I wouldn't have to get out of bed tomorrow. When it will be snowing.

Finally, I have serious anxiety (I mean it) about what will happen one week from tonight. Screw the polls. I am nervous. I trust no one.

* Kudos to anyone who can identify the movie reference.


Anonymous said...

And you should not trust the polls. See, e.g., President Dewey's administration. Oh wait, that's right - Truman topped him! See, e.g., Governor Bradley's administration in California. Oh, wait a minute....

Actually, the Big O should win. I think it will be closer than people expect, but your party sucks if they don't pull this one out. Obama has run a near perfect campaign. Kerry didn't. Gore sure as hell didn't. Dukakis didn't. The Dems could have won all of those elections. In fact, the last election, the Democrats had no prayer of winning was 1984 when Reagan cleaned Mondale's clock. Keep the faith. You should be okay. And even if your guy loses, you will still be okay.

You like Mike more than Jason and Freddy? Me too. Me too.

Melissa said...

Maybe you can hem the pants and turn them into shorts. It won't save the suit, but at least it won't be a total loss.

I'm sorry your day sucked.

blonde.counsel said...


Harmless Error said...

Kudos to Blonde Counsel!

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