Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm too fucking tired

to come up with a decent post.

Work is good and interesting and I should be doing some right now. But instead I'm going to bed.

Thank god for DVR. I'll have a good six hour stretch of shows to watch this weekend.

Can someone please finish setting up my apartment? Breaking down cardboard boxes and putting up pictures and buying and putting up curtains just sounds really time consuming and therefore unappealing.

My pup is coming down next week. I'm psyched to have her (I am getting a tad lonely here in the big city) but I'm not psyched about having to take her out in the mornings. I already get up too damn early to work out.

Being an adult is hard.

1 comment:

Douglas said...

Being a grown up sucks. All the way around!

Don't you have some interesting work stories or something to tell us? What do they have you doing?