Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm usually against the death penalty. But.

Just once, I wish one of these fuckers would not shoot himself after the rampage, just so we could do a live autopsy of his brain to find out where the hell things went wrong. And after we got some answers, we could put him out of his misery ourselves.

I remember the day after Columbine (8 years ago this Friday) my assholic socially inept arrogant as all hell AP Physics teacher, who no one had ever seen in anything other than bow ties and tweed, came into class wearing a long black trench coat "as a joke." For those of you still in school, I hope one of your profs, in whatever class is most appropriate, takes some time to discuss this. In a non-assy way.


Anonymous said...

It's too bad these monsters can't change the sequencing a little bit. Instead of killing other people first and themselves second, how about killing themselves first (or at least giving it a really strong effort) and then killing the other people second.

Anonymous said...

I heard a report where a witness said he was dressed like a boy scout. My first thought was Hitler Youth 4/20 wannabe. I felt guilty for that being my first thought.

Harmless Error said...

Good thinking, fool. (heh)