Tuesday, July 24, 2007


There are productive days. There are not so productive days. And then there are the I'm-so-annoyed/tired/confused/worried-about-X that I'm just gonna sit here and pretend to do work days. Today was one of those. Not sure what exactly prompted it, except I kept picturing myself lying on the beach and reading Nora Roberts "novels", which isn't going to happen for another 3 weeks. So maybe I just need a break. After 7 months. Ha. At least Lindsay Lohan kept me entertained.

And now for a nonsequiter, am I the only one who didn't think the CNN You-tube debate was a big deal? Or even remotely more interesting than the other platitude-filled old fashioned debates? Am I supposed to think it's edgy that the candidates could potentially be flustered by Dan Dumbass in Utah? I miss the days of Al Gore and his locked box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved when Joe Biden said something like, "If that's his baby, then he's got serious mental issues" to the guy who appeared on You Tube with some scary looking gun. Good for Biden. I didn't see the whole debate, but it didn't seem like anything special to me... kind of like John Edwards.