Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I bet you're already left for the long weekend, huh?

Packing for three days shouldn't be that much of a challenge. But when there's going to be a 25 degree temperature change during the three days, it's really fucking annoying. I thought we were done with the damn 60s temperatures for the year. God.

Also making me bitter is the fact that I have to lug my damn rolling bag with me to court tomorrow morning. Logistically, there's just no other way to do it. It's only a scheduling conference, which rarely requires even seeing the judge. Definitely no heels. Maybe not even a full suit. Scandalous!

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Try not to eat too much, and only drink enough to make the insanity/stupidity/passive aggressiveness around you turn warm and fuzzy from its usual quality of nails on a chalkboard.

See you on the flip side. That is if I survive Penn Station on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

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