Saturday, April 05, 2008

Best Saturday afternoon ever?

I know all you other Type A people probably had your taxes done by February 2nd. And I bet you all got refunds too. Well you can all go to hell. I owe the federal government $168. Before the student loan interest reductions, Turbotax told me I owed over $600. At that point I took a shot of the raspberry vodka tucked away in my freezer. But then I got to the deductions section and the number went down. So I suppose I should be thankful my loan providers are basically enslaving me. Thanks, fuckers.

Oh, but I do get a refund in NY state taxes. How much, you ask?


I am so fucking rich.


Anonymous said...

Could be worse. Could be raining.

Harmless Error said...

actually, it is raining. so there.

She says said...

How about this -- I work for the federal government (read: shitty salary), and I still owe.


I feel like I got screwed twice.

Backyard Design Bellflower said...

Greatt read thankyou