Sunday, August 10, 2008

Yeah right.

Has anyone seen the McDonalds commercials that are running non-stop on NBC, in which Olympic athletes are espousing the wonders of some chicken sandwich which NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER OR WILL EVER EAT?

It really fucking bothers me.


Sarah said...

Michael Phelps probably eats it. When you can eat 10,000 calories a day it probably can't hurt to have McDonalds once in a while. Lucky bastard.

Anastasia said...

I am more ready to poke my eyes out over the Claritin commercial with Shannon Miller. She talks about needing to be on her game and hops all over the balance beam and I'm like, "But you're not a competitive gymnast anymore...and how did you age 40 years in five years?"

Daisy, Just Daisy said...

I told BISMOW he was officially on notice that I would leave him for Michael Phelps. He seemed ok with it.

Harmless Error said...

I have a SERIOUS crush on Michael Phelps. That goofy grin attached to that BODY?! Jesus.

Also, the Shannon Miller commercial is also absolutely terrible.

K said...

Huh. I kinda liked the Shannon Miller commercial. I was virtually high-fiving her over getting that perm under control. And I think she may have gotten a nose job. Or else grew into it reallllly remarkably well.