Friday, January 02, 2009

I don't do resolutions.

But I do do (hee) lists. And in an effort (not a resolution) to be more positive, or at least bring the positive with the negative, I'm gonna take a page from the old Oprah playbook and write down things I am grateful for:

My beloved, crazy, snoring 15 year old dog. Even when she falls off the top of the couch and lands on my laptop in my lap and knocks off the 'Alt' key. It's not the most important key on the board, and hey, there's gotta be a reason there's two of them anyway.

My health. Sure, I could eat only organic stuff, a bit less cheese, no diet coke, etc. But you know what? I ran a freaking marathon this year, I get precisely two colds per year (the winter one is winding down), I have no history of cancer in my family, and although I do have a history of heart disease, my lifestyle pushes against that every day. Except for things like, uh, cheese.

My job. Yes, I rant and rave. A lot. I'm still searching for what's better out there. But believe me, I know how hard decent jobs are to come by, and I'm employed. So that's something.

My family. They are whackjobs. But loveable ones.

My apartment. I live in one of the greatest neighborhoods in one of the greatest cities in the freaking world. I could do worse.

My close friends. Who I don't see as much as I'd like due to our collective schedules, but who I trust implicitly and completely.

My not so close friends even. Hey, Facebook is a great procrastination tool. And hooray for my fellow bloggers, who, honestly, probably know more about me than certain Facebook friends.

My flatscreen. Because, well, let's be honest.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for fellow bloggers, indeed! :)

Daisy, Just Daisy said...

I gave you a blog award over on my corner of the internet!